
Easter Egg/Capture the Flag


I made up a game that has a twist on the traditional Easter Egg hunt.  I thought it was pretty fun.  We played in a baseball field which has no good hiding spots.  I think it would be best in an area with lots of trees and other hiding spots.  If you play, tell me how it goes. 
Easter Egg Capture the Flag

There are four teams.  Pink, Yellow, Green and Orange.  You could play with only two teams as well.

Each team takes one quarter of the field.
Your goal is to find and protect your eggs and find and capture as many eggs from other teams as you can. 

In your quarter of the field are hidden eggs that are your teams color as well as a few golden eggs.   There are no "flags" to capture in this game... just eggs.

1)  You have to keep the eggs you find in ONE PLACE on the GROUND somewhere on your quarter of the field that is approximately 12 feet away from the outside corner.  You can’t protect your eggs by holding them.  The found eggs have to stockpiled ON THE GROUND in ONE PLACE.
2)  If someone is in your quarter of the field and is holding one of your teams colored eggs, you can tag them and make them give you back the eggs that are your team color.  Gold eggs are safe from this rule.  Once you are tagged you have to go back to your section of the field.  If you are tagged on the border you are safe. 

3)  The team at the end of the time limit with the most points wins.

The team with the most eggs of their own color gets a bonus of 15 points.
The team with the 2nd most eggs of their own color gets a bonus of 10 points.
The team with the 3rd most eggs of their own color gets a bonus of 5 points.

Each egg you have in your stash of any color is worth 1 point.
Gold eggs are worth 3 points each.


30 Days of Science - Day 26


This was fun!  It was very interesting to learn how they determine your blood type.  You can buy kits to test your own blood.  Very educational. 




Spirit week is so much fun!  Luke has crazy hair too, but crazy to Luke is just a bit messy... haha!


80's Day


It was 80's day at school.  I think we did pretty good getting her dressed with what we had at home.  Notice her socks!  It was really fun getting her dressed.  Keith and I also had fun showing the kids 80's pictures on the internet and playing a bunch of 80's songs.  Megan was really impressed we knew so many of the words to the songs.  We are just cool I guess.

Tomorrow is crazy hair day.  Can't wait!


30 Days of Science - Day 25


I'm still here!  I just got sick and behind and lost motivation to blog for a little while.  It's all good :)

Thanks to Keith I found out that today is Pi Day!  3.14... get it? 
It's also Albert Einstein's Birthday. 

Luke's teacher is Mrs. Pye so I wanted to do something fun for her.

I made some signs that said, Happy Pye Day, Pi=3.14, as well as signs that thanked her for being such a good teacher.

I wrote up the note below (click to make it bigger) and gave it to each kid so they could understand what Pi is and why we were celebrating.  Each kid got a big Pi sticker to put on their shirt and later today they'll get Oatmeal Cream Pies. 

I killed one tree and printed the first one MILLION digits of Pi for Mrs. Pye to show the kids. It's pretty interesting to see what a million numbers look like. The numbers printed at a font size of 8pt still took 124 pages to print!!
If you are asking what Pi has to do with science, read this quote from the Big Book of Sarcastic Science and think the opposite way :)
Pi deals with circles and the science world doesn't have circles, only squares and rectangles (just look at the Periodic table)! So, Pi isn't used in the Science world, because you don't need math to do science.